Industry: Pharmaceuticals Industry
Sales Analysis and MIS Reporting System used by pharmaceutical companies for sales processes management
B | Braun
Web Application
Company's Sales Personnel were distributed across India and the Head Office was in Mumbai. As per the existing followed procedure, the sales personnel would send a report on a monthly basis to the head office in order to generate monthly MIS reports for the top management in Excel Format. Availability of complete and accurate data was a challenge and so it was very difficult to assess the current sales position of the Company.
Furthermore, these reports had to be sent as an attachment on email to the recipients. These attachments were then required to be stored locally by the individuals for accessing at a later stage which was sometimes not handy.
Acumen assist the In-House IT Department to develop an Online Sales Analysis System where employees and sales staff could login and upload sales data on a monthly basis.
We have added functionality where management team would approve the Sales figures and all required reports were generated accurately in a timely manner.
Management were able to access the portal online anytime for accessing any type of report .
System also help to generate Ad Hoc Reports from the Online System which was an additional benefit.
The project was developed using Agile Methodology with Scrum, test driven approach was followed.
Improve Sales :
Management were able to get a timely status of the Exact Sales Position of the company which enabled them to make necessary modifications in strategies
in order to boost sales.
Improve Team Productivity :
Productivity of Sales Personnel could be monitored at a minute level and training and knowledge sharing sessions could be arranged to enhance the work performance of the sales team.
Improve Profit :
After implementing the digital solution, the overall profitability of the company increased by 37%.