
Acumen ranked Top#1 Blockhain Development Company in Mumbai by Clutch

Acumen is honoured to be featured as Top #1 Cloud Development Company by We are extremely proud of our team and our work for such significant recognition from one of the leading B2B tech services research and review platforms, Read More...

Top 10 IT outsourcing companies in India

In the era of digital transformation, IT outsourcing gaining tremendous popularity and becoming the most essential part for the growing businesses. Whether you want to cut costs, Read More...

What Is Bitcoin?

Small wonder that Bitcoin emerged in 2008 soon after Occupy Wall Street blamed huge banks for abusing borrowers' cash, tricking customers, settling the system, and charging boggling costs. Bitcoin pioneers wanted to put the trader in charge, eliminate the middleman Read More...

How Does Bitcoin Work?

Without diving into the technical details, Bitcoin works on a vast public ledger, also called as a blockchain, where every single confirmed transaction is included as ‘blocks’. As each block enters the system, it is broadcast to the distributed computer network of users for approval. Read More...

What Is Mining

Computers mining for virtual coins? Is Bitcoin mining simply free money? Well, it's a whole lot more than that! Bitcoin mining is far expelled from the average Bitcoin owner nowadays, however, that doesn't change how important it is. Read More...

The Blockchain Disruption: More Than Just Bitcoin

Many people, if they’re familiar with the term ‘blockchain’ by any means, connects it with the cryptocurrency bitcoin. It is a base for using bitcoin so that’s definitely not wrong, but there is a growing group of people that believe blockchain can be connected to numerous Read More...

Pros and Cons of Agile and Waterfall Methods

Modern software development approaches have developed as quickly as they’ve delivered items. Numerous practices and procedures currently exist, likewise each individual team’s unique components. Read More...

Five Benefits of Listening To Your Customers

Modern software development approaches have developed as quickly as they’ve delivered items. Numerous practices and procedures currently exist, likewise each individual team’s unique components. Read More...

Could Your Company's Things Benefit From IOT Management

The well-named “internet of things,” or IoT, is expected to transform our globe in the coming years: how individuals live, work, communicate, commute and everything in between. Read More...

Riding Digital Transformation Wave With E-Signatures

Companies today have understood the advantage of digitizing business processes and are joining the digital transformation revolution to maximize sales, efficiency and productivity. Read More...

How Companies Gain Perspective on Business Operations?

Business intelligence software present users with a suite of analytics tools that drive sales and generate revenue, among many kind of benefits. This software converts raw, unorganized data into necessary knowledge that informs almost every aspect of a business, from sales to product development to human resources. Here’s how these tools enables companies get a better perspective of their business. Read More...

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: A Perfect Match

Artificial Intelligence has been around for decades. However, recently with the arrival of "Big Data," it's been getting more attention. For reference, Wikipedia says this with respect to Artificial Intelligence: In computer science, the field of Artificial Intelligence research Read More...

Guide For Creating a Successful App

Creating a successful app is the dream of anyone who's thinking of a mobile app startup. The idea itself does not ensure the app to become a hit. Marketing truly matters a lot. The individuals who have more chances of creating a successful app perform market research and then create a plan that is measured and organized well. Read More...

5 Secrets: How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Create a Successful Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an arena of software engineering, where, the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans takes place. The research involved in artificial intelligence is extremely technical and specialized. Read More...

What is GDPR? And How Does it Affect Your Business?

The internet has spectacularly changed the way we communicate and how we deal with everyday tasks. We send emails, we share documents, we pay bills and we buy products by entering our personal details all online, without the slightest hesitation. Read More...

10 Things that Holding Back the
Blockchain Technology Industry

Blockchain Technology is the new innovative technology that is fueling the success of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Read More...

Top 11 Information Technology Trends of 2019

All modern technologies are developing side by side and unavoidably impact one another. For example, mobile internet depends on cloud computing and promotes IoT development. Hence, advancement in one space encourages evolutions in the other. Read More...

Why Should You Hire a Dedicated Developer for Your Company?

Nowadays, as the demand for software development becoming a rising trend, countries around the globe have started extracting highly skilled, talented, and experienced software developers who can surely carry out the projects for clients. Read More...

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